Heart Numbers: What You Should Know

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Exercising Snacking and Adding Movement to Our Days

Always listen to your Doctor or Cardiac Rehab Specialist when choosing to exercise, this blog is for information purposes and does not replace the advice of Health Professionals. The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology states that Older Adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. Physical Activity reduces our…

Healing After a Pacemaker or ICD

Understanding what you can or should be doing after your surgery is important to give you the best recovery possible. It is very normal for people to feel unsure about doing anything with the affected side out of fear of pulling out wires, or simply wanting to protect the area from pain. In fact, however,…

Hydration! Hydration! Hydration!

We have all heard the saying, drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep yourself hydrated but why is it so important?