Cardiac Arrest & Intro to CPR
Feeling Dizzy? Check Your Blood Pressure
Today I dealt with a common problem many members face, low blood pressure. After finishing exercise, and resting in a chair for a few minutes, this member went to get up and leave for the day. When he stood up he felt a wash of dizziness, a little clammy, and unsteady on his feet. After…
Heart Disease & Women’s Health
Heart Disease had traditionally been thought of as a man’s disease, but it is actually the leading cause of death for women worldwide.
I am Sick! Should I Exercise? How about my Heart?
So, I am currently on day 5 of my “Man Cold”. My symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough and congestion. These are pretty standard symptoms for a viral upper respiratory tract infection. I must say, however, that this one has been a little tougher than most I have experienced. I am getting very tired of…