Flexibiliy & Balance Guidelines

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A Heart Healthy Thanksgiving

A few ideas from the Pulse Family to have your best holiday yet. How is it already October!? The trees are turning and we’re all trading in our shorts and flip flops for our long pants and sweatshirts, and for many of us, we are making plans to gather with loved ones to reflect and…

Be still…. It’s good for your heart

Ever take a moment to just sit.. no distractions.. and just feel the air moving in and out of your lungs. Not planning your next move, or re-playing movies in your mind of the conversations & events of the past. Not distracting yourself in any way.. just sit. Maybe its at your favorite park bench…

How to Prevent Falls by Improving Your Balance

As we start to inch our way closer to winter and that four letter “snow” word, we start to think about the ice and uneven ground that comes along with it. Falling rates increase substantially during the winter months. Which lead to potential broken bones, and more specifically hip fractures. In cardiac rehabilitation, and those…