Flexibiliy & Balance Guidelines

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Feeling Dizzy? Check Your Blood Pressure

Today I dealt with a common problem many members face, low blood pressure. After finishing exercise, and resting in a chair for a few minutes, this member went to get up and leave for the day. When he stood up he felt a wash of dizziness, a little clammy, and unsteady on his feet. After…

Targeting Belly Fat and Preventing Heart Disease

Increased body weight is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It increases your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, not to mention its impact on your daily life! The main measure used in determining your body weight risk is your waist circumference, which gives us a measure of the largest part of your…

Heart Healthy Changes to Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s Food Guide has gone through an overhaul, and the result has some great new recommendations to help keep Canadian Hearts Healthy! What’s different: There has been a shift from the four food groups we are used to with recommended servings in each, to a more simple “pattern of eating” approach. The food guide recommends filling…