Why Protein is Important in Managing Diabetes

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Motivation is Garbage!

Motivation is Garbage!! What?? What are you talking about Shawna. Listen in and I’ll explain.

High Blood Pressure 101

The whats, the why’s and the what-nexts of a hypertension diagnosis. High blood pressure, sometimes known as hypertension, is a condition where blood circulating throughout the body exerts too high of a pressure against the walls of the blood vessels (think of water flowing through a hose, the pressure needs to be “just right” or…

Healing After a Pacemaker or ICD

Understanding what you can or should be doing after your surgery is important to give you the best recovery possible. It is very normal for people to feel unsure about doing anything with the affected side out of fear of pulling out wires, or simply wanting to protect the area from pain. In fact, however,…