Getting to know Diabetes

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Strength Train For Your Heart Health

Did you know that after the age of 40 you begin to lose 3%-8% of your muscle mass per decade, and after the age of 70 this muscle mass loss increases to 15% per decade? This loss of muscle mass is the fundamental cause of falls, and disability in older people. As we lose muscle mass we…

I Want to Get Off of My Medications!

This is a common statement we hear all of the time. It’s understandable.. nobody likes taking pills. Some of these pills even have side effects like bruising, low energy, or muscle aches that we would just rather not deal with! But…Sometimes taking medications is what you may need to do to increase your chances of…

Heart Wise Holiday Tips

Happy December to all! For many, December marks the official launch of the holiday season. The sights & sounds of the season are in full force, along with a myriad of seasonal festivities. Holiday parties, family gatherings, and potentially even some well-deserved vacation time are upon us. With all of these events filling our calendar…