The Causes of Heart Failure

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Dining Out Made Heart Smart

A hospitality Professional’s guide to heart-healthy dine-in and takeout choices. Adjusting to a heart healthy way of eating can be tricky as we learn the ropes. Trickier still; how do we adjust our eating habits while enjoying a meal in a restaurant or while ordering takeout? As a former hospitality professional, I have compiled some…

The Common Causes of Chest Pain

The Common Causes of Chest Pain Hello all! In our live presentation for our membership for this month, Cam presented on The Common Causes of Chest Pain. This is one of the more common themes we address within cardiac rehabilitation. For people with heart concerns, it makes sense that you become a little more aware…

The Positive Side of COVID-19

Over the last number of weeks, our lives have had a very different focus. COVID-19 has sent shock waves through the world, our counties, our cities, towns, and into every one of our neighborhoods. It has changed our focus, our daily lives, and most importantly our understanding of our ability to impact each other. COVID-19…