Is My Blood Pressure Too Low?

Is my blood pressure too low? How low is too low? Should I be concerned?

Many of us have been advised that our blood pressure needs to come down.

Perhaps you have learned the benefits of that lower pressure on your heart and overall cardiovascular system. Are you now focusing on your diet, exercise, sleep, stress management and other behaviors like smoking and alcohol consumption, to help work on improving your blood pressure?

Many of us are also on medication ….. all with the focus on keeping that blood pressure down.

So where is the line? How low should I go? How low is too low??

Let’s talk about it!

Shawna Cook

Shawna is a Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine, who has been working in Cardiac Rehabilitation for over 10 years. Her years in the health and fitness field however have spanned over the past 2+ decades. As an elite level athlete she fell in love with understanding the human body, and how the choices she made, affected how it performed. This led to a degree from the University of Winnipeg in the stream of Athletic Therapy, and the passion towards helping others recover from injury and "be their best selves" grew.