Aortic Stenosis

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Heart Healthy Changes to Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s Food Guide has gone through an overhaul, and the result has some great new recommendations to help keep Canadian Hearts Healthy! What’s different: There has been a shift from the four food groups we are used to with recommended servings in each, to a more simple “pattern of eating” approach. The food guide recommends filling…

Partners in the Pivot

Technology for wellness and connectedness in a post-COVID world If you’ve participated in one of our Zoom classes, or enjoyed our exercise & education video library, you’re part of a growing group that has taken to technology to continue on our wellness journey as we work to flatten the curve. All across the world, doctors,…

I am Sick! Should I Exercise? How about my Heart?

So, I am currently on day 5 of my “Man Cold”. My symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough and congestion. These are pretty standard symptoms for a viral upper respiratory tract infection.  I must say, however, that this one has been a little tougher than most I have experienced. I am getting very tired of…