Fiber and Cardiovascular Disease

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High Blood Pressure 101

The whats, the why’s and the what-nexts of a hypertension diagnosis. High blood pressure, sometimes known as hypertension, is a condition where blood circulating throughout the body exerts too high of a pressure against the walls of the blood vessels (think of water flowing through a hose, the pressure needs to be “just right” or…

Sternal Precautions following Open Heart Surgery

Have you had open heart surgery? Here are some things you need to know as you begin your recovery process. Many of you will have been given information from the hospital or your doctor after you were discharged from hospital. Commonly this advice tells you not to lift anything more than 5 pounds, and restricts you…

Transitioning to Fall/Winter Walking.

What’s your walking plan as the weather starts to get colder? Time to start putting some strategies in place!!