Mental Health & Cardiovascular Disease

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Heart Healthy Eating: Making Nutrition Goals Stick

Hello Pulse Cardiac Health Family!! Many of you are looking to start fresh, with a renewed sense of motivation to get a few things back on track. One of the most popular focus points is diet. Many are looking to shed some of the weight from special treats you’ve been eating, and just overall looking…

Exercising Snacking and Adding Movement to Our Days

Always listen to your Doctor or Cardiac Rehab Specialist when choosing to exercise, this blog is for information purposes and does not replace the advice of Health Professionals. The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology states that Older Adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. Physical Activity reduces our…

The Keto Diet and Heart Disease

The Keto diet has been a hot topic amongst our members for the last little while. It is a low carb, high fat content diet that is touted to help with the weight loss battle. Without getting into the details behind how the diet is supposed to work, the reason this diet in particular is…