Nutrition and Cholesterol – What Really Matters?

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TAVI…The (Less Invasive) New Kid on the Block

If your Aortic Valve is no longer working the way it is supposed to, you may need to have it replaced. The Aortic Valve is the one-way valve between the Left Ventricle, which is the largest pumping chamber of the heart, and the Aorta, which is the “stump” of the vascular “tree” that delivers oxygen…

Heart Wise Holiday Tips

Happy December to all! For many, December marks the official launch of the holiday season. The sights & sounds of the season are in full force, along with a myriad of seasonal festivities. Holiday parties, family gatherings, and potentially even some well-deserved vacation time are upon us. With all of these events filling our calendar…

Setting Goals_ Start with your expectations

Setting goals? Start with your expectations.

Get into the meat & potatoes of actually HOW to set goals … starting with your expectations.