Heart Health and Your Mind – Why It’s So Important
Every single thought, feeling, and ACTION you take … all starts in the mind. There isn’t a single thing that you do, choice that you make, emotion that you feel, or action that you take that doesn’t start with a thought.
High Blood Pressure 101
The whats, the why’s and the what-nexts of a hypertension diagnosis. High blood pressure, sometimes known as hypertension, is a condition where blood circulating throughout the body exerts too high of a pressure against the walls of the blood vessels (think of water flowing through a hose, the pressure needs to be “just right” or…
Heart Healthy Changes to Canada’s Food Guide
Canada’s Food Guide has gone through an overhaul, and the result has some great new recommendations to help keep Canadian Hearts Healthy! What’s different: There has been a shift from the four food groups we are used to with recommended servings in each, to a more simple “pattern of eating” approach. The food guide recommends filling…