Complex Cardiac Devices: Beyond the Basics

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest & CPR

The terms heart attack and cardiac arrest are often used interchangeably to describe the same medical condition. They are in fact, not the same thing. Let’s break this down. Cardiac arrest is defined as a situation where the heart suddenly stops pumping blood due to an irregular heart rhythm. A heart attack happens when blood…

The Keto Diet and Heart Disease

The Keto diet has been a hot topic amongst our members for the last little while. It is a low carb, high fat content diet that is touted to help with the weight loss battle. Without getting into the details behind how the diet is supposed to work, the reason this diet in particular is…

Heart Healthy Changes to Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s Food Guide has gone through an overhaul, and the result has some great new recommendations to help keep Canadian Hearts Healthy! What’s different: There has been a shift from the four food groups we are used to with recommended servings in each, to a more simple “pattern of eating” approach. The food guide recommends filling…