Nutrition Principles for Weight Loss

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How Hard Can I Exercise After a Heart Attack?

How Hard Can I Exercise After a Heart Attack?

Are you concerned about increasing your heart rate with exercise after your heart attack? Looking for a little guidance?

Sudden Cardiac Arrest & CPR

The terms heart attack and cardiac arrest are often used interchangeably to describe the same medical condition. They are in fact, not the same thing. Let’s break this down. Cardiac arrest is defined as a situation where the heart suddenly stops pumping blood due to an irregular heart rhythm. A heart attack happens when blood…

Strength Train For Your Heart Health

Did you know that after the age of 40 you begin to lose 3%-8% of your muscle mass per decade, and after the age of 70 this muscle mass loss increases to 15% per decade? This loss of muscle mass is the fundamental cause of falls, and disability in older people. As we lose muscle mass we…